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Process Centre Of Excellence. > Documentatie Projecten > POWER - Pushing Offshore Wind Energy Regions > Achievements > Skills development

Skills development

Inhouds opgave:
  1. 1. Skills Development
    1. 1. Skills Development

    Skills Development

    The expected growth of the offshore wind energy sector in the next decade will give a strong impulse to employment in the North Sea region and will require a strong increase in the skilled work force. The educational activities in POWER aim to support the needs of the offshore wind energy sector for specialists and skilled workers by qualification, education and further training and thus to support the realisation of the employment potential of offshore wind energy sector in the economic structural weak coastal regions of the POWER countries.
    POWER started with identifying the qualification requirements for the emerging offshore wind industry and based the next steps on the results. The work followed three streams:
    1. Analysis and review of available courses: to help companies to select suitable further education routes for their personnel, using existing (commercial) courses;
    2. Development of cross-sector offshore specific training and courses for technicians and engineers jointly.
    3. Harmonisation of qualification requirements: to support the ongoing process for harmonisation in the EU with specific attention to the offshore wind industry;

    These educational activities, carried out as part of the POWER project, are illustrated in the sketch above.


    Academic education



    Harmonisation workshop

    Qualification requirements

    Summer schools

    WP3 Members interview

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